Working with the Kornit X HP Site Flow Supplier Integration
Documented by Cobi Martin (Documentation & Training Co-ordinator)
The following article details the Kornit X created supplier integration which can be used to sent orders into a HP Site Flow account and subsequently receive status updates for those orders. The article has been specifically written for use by Canva.
The article will detail the setup, Component Codes, Callback URLs, Features and Facility Codes.
To contact HP Site Flow about working with them please contact them here with the "Contact Us" button -
To setup the HP Site Flow supplier integration, please head to your dropship company and within the advanced settings head to "Supplier Integrations" and click to enable the HP Site Flow Option. This has been shown below.
When setting this up you will need to set your "API Key", "API Secret" and "Destination Account" all of which will be provided by HP Site Flow before you set up this integration.
The following breaks down the multiple features that can be set with this supplier integration.
- "Enabled" toggle - When the supplier integration has been turned on this toggle will be set to on. To disable the integration simply slide this to off.
- "Version" dropdown - The version dropdown allows options to be set for either "Latest" or "Previous" which will either use the legacy version of HP Site Flow or the latest version. This will depend on the age of the integration and if you are unsure please contact us and we can advise you on which is best for you.
- "Email Errors To" textbox - Any email added to this textbox will be notified whenever there are any errors with the integration. Multiple emails can be notified by using a simple comma between the email.
- "Start Timestamp (UTC) textbox - This timestamp will set a time whenever this integration is enabled within the UTC timings. This can be overwritten if required.
- "Push Min. Order Age (s)" textbox - This means the minimum age in seconds of an order (from the time of creation) before it will be pushed to HP Site Flow.
- "Use Dedicated Order Endpoint" toggle - Only visible if the "Latest" version has been enabled this option, this will enable the new Site Flow endpoint. The benefits of this include this will support those who use dynamic/calculated Attributes and overtime the old endpoint will be deprecated in the future.
- "Secondary Orders" toggle - This option should be enabled if your orders have both a primary and secondary company set on them. In most cases, this option will need to be enabled unless you are advised otherwise by Kornit X staff.
- "Dropship Delegation" toggle - Dropship delegates allow an integration to be set up once on a single dropship company and the integration settings apply to all dropships that are linked to that fulfiller. A dropship delegate can be set on any fulfiller company. If this is a feature you want to use, enable this option on the HP Site Flow integration settings of the dropship delegate that's set on the fulfiller company.
- "Dispatch Date Filter" toggle - With this toggle enabled the dispatch date can be filtered for orders.
- "Attach Dispatch PDF" toggle - This toggle should be enabled if you require this PDF to be included with ever order flowing through this integration.
- "Use External Item Ref" toggle - This toggle is enabled by default as this will ensure that the print jobs will use the external item ref which will also be seen when generating orders.
- "Create Shipments" toggle - This toggle should be enabled for those customers who wish to create a shipment with every order instead of in bulk.
- "Item Level Shipments" toggle - This toggle needs to be enabled to return line-item level shipment shipped post backs back into the Platform.
- "Regenerate Expired Print Jobs" toggle - By default print jobs regeneration expires after 6 months of being generated, with this toggle enabled you will be able to regenerate expired print jobs well beyond the 6 months expiry.
- "Enable State Code To Name Conversion" toggle - When this option is enabled on the integration you will be able to pass the state name (such as Texas, California etc) over to the PSPs to generate shipping labels. For example: if you look at an order shipping tab in the Kornit X platform and it has TX or CA this is what Kx will pass to the PSP with the option disabled however, if enabled KX will convert state code from the platform to state name and pass the state name over in the integration.
- "Company Name Mode" dropdown - By default this toggle is set to "Disabled" but customers can change this to "Mixed" or "Payment Type" which will tell the platform the name mode. If unsure please leave this blank and contact us.
For more information on this integration please refer to the following article which was produced by HP -
Component Codes
Another important option to set with this integration is the Component Code Method which is a dropdown that should be set to control the component code field set in the data sent to HP Site Flow. The options are detailed in the below table to know the differences between them and which one should be set for your integration.
Component Code Name
| Description |
Use Ecommerce Manufacturer Code | This code will be taken from the manufacturers_code field on the ecommerce settings of the product associated with the order item. This gives the ability for each product to have its own component code set. |
User Override | This option allows a Component Code to be defined throughout the integration so all orders for this integration will use the same code. The Component Code will be taken from the override_component_code field on the integrations settings set here. |
Use Each Print Area Name | Component Code will be taken from the name field on each of the print areas of the product associated with the order item. This will also cause the integration to send a component for each print area as opposed to a single component. For this to work you must set up the print area’s names field with the component code. If you have some products which require multiple component codes and some that do not you will need to use the Print area name set up and set all print area names on the products to have the correct component code for the product/print area. |
Callback URLs
The following part of the article details the difference Callback URLs that must be used within the HP Site Flow system set for various events.
Please note that orders should be updated using their Fulfiller API Key and Company Reference ID
HP Site Flow also needs to be told what data to include within the callback. The following templates in the below table should be used:
Option Name | Template |
Order Errored | {
"TimeStamp": "{{timestamp}}",
"SourceOrderId": "{{data.orderData.sourceOrderId}}",
"OrderStatus": "error"
} |
Order Shipped | {
"TimeStamp": "{{timestamp}}",
"SourceOrderId": "{{data.sourceOrderId}}",
"SourceShipmentId": "{{shipmentId}}",
"ShipmentIndex": "{{data.shipmentIndex}}",
"TrackingNumber": "{{data.trackingNumber}}",
"OrderStatus": "shipped"
} |
Order Cancelled | {
"TimeStamp": "{{timestamp}}",
"SourceOrderId": "{{data.orderData.sourceOrderId}}",
"OrderStatus": "cancelled"
} |
Order Received | {
"TimeStamp": "{{timestamp}}",
"SourceOrderId": "{{data.orderData.sourceOrderId}}",
"OrderStatus": "received"
} |
Order Print Ready | { "TimeStamp": "{{timestamp}}",
"SourceOrderId": "
"OrderStatus": "printready"
Order Submission Error | { "TimeStamp": "{{timestamp}}",
"SourceOrderId": "{{data.bodyJson.orderData.sourceOrderId}}",
{{#isTruthy data.errorList}}
"errors": [ "{{join (unique (pluck data.errorList "message")) "\", \""}}" ]
{{/isTruthy}} "OrderStatus": "error" } |
The following information can be passed as attributes where required in the order Json.
- Pages - We send the artwork as it needs to be printed, in one URL. For example, if it's single sided, the artwork URL contained within the 'path' field will contain 1 page, if it's a double-sided print it will contain 2 pages. The number of pages is also passed as an attribute and go by the names of "Single Sided" or "Double Sided"
- Orientation - The artwork will always be sent in the orientation it's to be printed in, either portrait or landscape. This will also be passed as an attribute.
As default we will pass the attributes. This should allow for simpler conditions to be set up in Autoflow within Siteflow. Your HP Siteflow contact should be able to assist and provide more information on this if required.
The Kornit X Integration to HP Siteflow supports the Carrier and Code shipping setup within Siteflow. We do not currently support alias. E.g
"code": "custom",
"service": "standard"
Below is a template example of the Shipments Shipped trigger to send item level shipments.
"TimeStamp": "{{timestamp}}",
"SourceOrderId": "{{data.sourceOrderId}}",
"ShippingFacilityCode": "{{ShippingFacilityCode}}",
"ShipmentIndex": "{{data.shipmentIndex}}",
"TrackingNumber": "{{data.trackingNumber}}",
"OrderStatus": "shipped",
"Items": [
{{#each data.items}}
{{prettyJson this}}{{#if @last}}{{else}},{{/if}}
Shipment Callback Template
For the carrier field to come through in the shipping acknowledgement you will need to add a few lines to the shipping template within siteflow. These values should align to the shipping mapping you agree with Canva. The Canva system requires certain fields to set up in the shipping call back template.
Please note that the accommodate Canva's shopping cart feature orders need to be updated on a
line item basis with the line item ID within the shipping call back, the template for this is outlined through this documentation
Required Fields include the following:
- Facility Code - This is the "ShippingFacilityCode" field within the template
- Shipping Carrier - If multiple carriers are being used, shown in the below example
{{#eq data.carrier.service "standard"}}
"ShippingCarrier": "carrier name",
"ShippingCarrier": "carrier name",
Sending the carrier field should be added to the full template outlined in this documentation.
Handling Of Facility Codes
The expectation of Facility Codes is to allow PSPs to successfully update an order as the mapping on the integration. The expected result is for the facility code to be sent from Sitelflow on the Shipping Ack in the field “ShippingFacilityCode”, this will then update the order in the Kornitx Platform and in turn update Canva on the two notification payloads.
Canva expect to see the correct facility code on two payload instances, either "Item Status Updates" or "Shipment Ack Updates".
A user of this intergation might want want the facility code to be sent on the status and shipping acknowledgments to the KornitX platform and then to Canva via notification payload.
This would enable Canva to receive the associated facility code on the order to allow Siteflow PSPs who have multiple facilities to successfully update an order for the appropriate facility.
The Acceptance Criteria is to successfully handling of facility codes via the SiteFlow Integration
- GIVEN that the facility code is sent from Siteflow in the “ShippingFacilityCode” field in the acknowledgements to update the order in the platform
- WHEN the facility code is sent in the Canva notification payload
- THEN the correct facility code is passed back to allow successful updates