Catalog: Product Approvals

Catalog: Product Approvals

Catalog : Product Approvals

This section of the platform is for approving or rejecting fulfiller submitted products. 

Kornit X offers this area for fulfillers to use the system to manage the approval process of their items. 

What is the functionality of Product approvals?
The section will load all products currently pushed by the fulfiller to be reviewed using the Kornit X Product Approvals. This screen will likely appear blank if their are no lines for the fulfiller user to review

When lines are ready for approval they will appear in a list view with an image of the product, Product Name, Fulfiller SKU and Retail SKU. 
Kornit X advises users of Product Approvals work together with Product Onboarding to manage their retail ready lines. 

Each product will also feature Print and Preview Test options which will appear like the following examples. 
  1. Print Test will load the product in the Kornit X standard ACP 3 app. The button for this has been shown below.
  1. Preview test will load the product within the fulfillers own chosen default app to load products into. The button for this has been shown below.
There are 2 simple options to click when reviewing products for approval, once tested in either the Print or Preview test windows, users can either Approve or Reject the lines. 
  1. Approve - Users can approve which will indicate the line is retail ready. The button for this has been shown below.
  1. Reject - Users can reject with a comment which will report back to the original lines creator with feedback on what to improve on. The button for this has been shown below.

How to Search & Filter
Within Product Approvals, users can filter their approvals by the following. 
  1. SKU Search Option
  1. Filter by Fulfiller

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