Catalog: Product Manager

Catalog: Product Manager

Catalog : Product Manager

This section of the platform is for creating and managing your Products. 

Platform users have access Products that they create / own, along with any others that specific access has been granted to.

How to change View Mode and Sort Order

By default, Products are listed by name and sorted to show newest first.

View Mode: 2 view modes are available;
  1. List View (default): Products are shown in a scrollable list with a small thumbnail and columns of associated information.

ID: Unique Catalog Product Number
SKU: Product SKU
Name: Name of the Product
Product Type: System classification
Functionality Type: References the configuration / functionality
Fulfiller: Name of Fulfiller Company
Locked / Enabled: Shows product status

  1. Grid View: Products are displayed in a grid, with large thumbnails and minimal information (Name, Fulfiller, SKU only).

Sort: The sort order can be changed between 'Newest First' and 'Recently Updated First'

  1. Newest First: Sorts based on creation date
  2. Recently Updated First: Sorts based on modification date

How to Search & Filter

By default, Products appear in an unfiltered list.

Search: The Search field can be used to find specific Products by ID, name or SKU:

Filtering: Multiple filters can be used to isolate Products based on specific criteria.

  1. Clear All: Removes all active filters
  2. See More / See Less: Reveals/hides the full list of available filters
  1. Categories: Show Products within a specific category location
  2. Fulfillers: Show Products created / owned by a specific Fulfiller
  3. Type: Filter by Product Type
  4. Classification: Filter by Product Classification
  5. Aspect Ratio: Filter by Square, Landscape or Portrait based on Product Print Area shape.
  6. Created Since: Show Products created since a specified date
  7. Dimension: Filters by 2D or 3D Products
  8. Is Locked: Filters by Lock status Yes / No
  9. Is Disabled: Filters by Disabled status Yes/No

Managing Products

Actions: There are 3 clickable Actions for each listed Product; 

  1. Duplicate: Makes a copy of the Product, carrying over configured settings
  2. Edit: Opens the Product settings
  3. Delete: Removes the Product and all settings from the system

Selection: Products can be 'selected' using the individual selection boxes against each row / tile. Alternatively, Select All will auto-select all listed products based on active filters / search parameters.

Product Selection serves as a mechanism to perform bulk actions / product management tasks;

  1. Multi Edit: Opens an edit sequence for selected Products
  2. Add to Categories: Add selected Products to other Categories
  3. Set Categories: Move selected Products to a new Category
  4. Duplicate: Duplicate selected Products
  5. Lock: Lock selected Products
  6. Unlock: Unlock selected Products
  7. Disable: Disable selected Products
  8. Queue PSOG Regeneration: Schedule thumbnail generation
  9. Queue DistApp Deployment: Opens the Product settings

Exports / Imports: Product Manager offers several export and import functions that provide bulk Product data update / editing solutions.

For Help Articles on the available Exports, click here
For Help Articles on the available Imports, click here

How to Add New Products

Products can be added using the '+ New Product' button; this opens the Product Creation Menu from which different types of products can be created.
  1. Blank: Create a new Fulfilment ready 'base' product
  2. Virtual: Create Virtual Products by adding Designs, Artwork or functionality to Blank Products
  3. Stock Only: Create a simple stock item without any personalisation or a live preview 
  4. No Preview: Create a simple personalised product without a live preview 

Still Need Help?
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