Catalog : Product Manager : Edit : App Defualts

Catalog : Product Manager : Edit : App Defualts

App Defaults

This section of the platform is for defining App Default settings against your Product. 

What are App Defaults?

App Defaults are a group of Smartlink options that can be defined against each Product within the Catalog.

The information is used to load and display the Product within the specified App configuration when using Preview Test, Smartlink Builder or downloading Feeds.

What options are available within App Defaults?

There are several definable options, all of which are unpopulated by default.
  1. Default App: Select a Standard App from the dropdown list, or use the text field to specify a Custom App. If non are specified then reverts to ACP.
  2. Default Config: Search for configurations associated with the chosen App. (Configuration must exist before they can be used).
  3. Default Locale: Add a Locale ID to change the in-app wording/terminology. (Locales must exist before they can be used).
  4. Product Category: Associate a category of products to be loaded within the Smartlink for the end user to select from. (Some Apps may also require a custom Config, with product selector functionality enabled).
  5. Image Gallery: Associate a range of images to be loaded within the Smartlink for the end user to select from. (Galleries must exist before they can be used). 
  6. Dynamic Design Category: Associate a range of dynamic Products to be loaded within the Smartlink for the end user to select from. (Some Apps may also require a custom Config, with Dynamic Design functionality enabled).
  7. Dynamic Design Product: Associate a specific design Product to be loaded within the Smartlink.

How to set App Defaults in bulk

The App Defaults options can be added against Products in bulk by using the eCommerce Data import / export.

The relevant column headers are;
  1. "product.default_app" - the name of the app so "stepped3" for example
  2. "product.default_app_config" - the unique config reference
  3. "product.defualt_app_locale" - the language pack reference
  4. "product.default_app_pc" - the product category number
  5. "product.default_app_dd" - the dynamic design category number
  6. "product.default_app_ddp" - the dynamic design product ID
  7. "product.default_app_g" - the gallery reference if linking to a gallery.
For more information on the eCommerce Data Import, click here

How to test Products using App Defaults

There are two options to review the Product preview and functionality using the associated App Default information:

  1. Open App: Click the Open App button (found within the App Defaults menu) - this will open a new browser tab showing the App full screen.

Open App shows a full screen legacy link. Legacy links are not suitable for publishing on websites - to generate publishable URLs please use Smartlink Builder.
  1. Preview Test: Click the Preview Test button to open a pop-up window.

App Defaults & Feeds

Feeds are used to download Product information, including Smartlinks, ready for publishing onto websites etc.

In this scenario, App Defaults allows Product owners to apply specific settings to show their products desirably / consistently, and to influence / control the end user journey. This is especially relevant when making content available to other Sales Channels.

For more information on Feeds, click here

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