Catalog : Product Manager : Edit : Aspects

Catalog : Product Manager : Edit : Aspects


This section of the platform is for adding / removing live preview imagery that is associated with your Product. 

What is an Aspect?
An Aspect is the visual representation of a Blank Product. The term 'aspect' generally refers to orientation or side that the uploaded preview image is being used to display. 

Aspects serve two interconnected purposes;
  1. to act as a base for print and functionality to be configured against
  2. to provide an on-screen preview of the product and its available options, that the end user can interact with

Both single and multi-sided Blank Products are supported. Lets consider some common examples:
  1. Garments are variable depending on the Fulfillers production capabilities / requirements, eg
Front Print only           = 1 Aspect
Front & Back Print      = 2 Aspects
Front, Back + Sleeves = 3-4 Aspects 
  1. Phone Cases typically have 1 Aspect
  2. Greetings Cards / Calendars have multiple pages, so require an Aspect per page.

What are Aspect Options?
Aspect Options are used to visually represent the available variations of the product per Aspect (side). 

The most common use case is for garments, whereby the Fulfiller stocks and fulfils orders across multiple colours.

The screenshot below shows 3 different preview images that have been uploaded as Options for the 'Front' Aspect. This allows the end user to select the garment colour prior to purchasing. 

How to Add an Aspect and Options

By default, newly configured Blank Products do not feature any Aspects.

New Aspects can be added using the '+ Aspect' button
This adds a new Aspect row:
  1. Name: Add an Aspect name that is relevant to the Product / side you wish to preview, eg 'Front'

Now that an Aspect exists, an option must be added. To add, click the '+ Option' button:
This adds a new sub-row menu for each added option, with additional configuration settings.

  1. Image: Upload your preview image to the slot.
  2. Name: Add an Option name
Aspect Image Formatting Requirements:
Images must be square
Either jpeg or png format only
Less than 1mb (we recommend 500kb or less for performance reasons)
Best practice information:
800 x 800 pixels is generally recommended as a standard image size as it offers a balance between preview quality, file size and cross device performance.
Compress images prior to upload to ensure smallest file sizes, best possible load times and online performance.
For more information on product performance, click here

Click Save to confirm the Aspect settings.

To review the Aspect preview, access Print Test via the Printer button

Use the 'Aspects' menu to change between the options.

How to Edit an Aspect and Option

By default, any configured Aspects are shown in a list. Each row represents a separate Aspect, and features some basic top level settings which can be edited inline.

Click the row, or use the arrow to open the Aspect Option settings:

The main rows are nested, which means they expand to reveal all associated options and settings. 

Note: Some of the settings listed below can be clicked to access dedicated videos / articles with more information 

  1. Enable: Allows for specific Option to be disabled (eg if a colour is out of stock). On by default.
  2. Image: Add, replace or download the current preview image file.
  3. Mask: Add, replace or download the Aspect Mask. Aspect masks are used to control where personalisation can appear.
  4. Name: Add / edit the option name - this name parameter appears in the Smartlink.
  5. SKU: Add / edit the associated Option SKU
  6. Default: Used to determine which Option will load in the Smartlink by default

Managing Aspects and Options

Once expanded, each listed Aspect Option can be deleted individually using the inline delete button.
Alternatively, the main Aspect row can be deleted - this will remove the Aspect and all associated Options automatically.

Using Print Test

It is recommended as best practice, that any newly added or amended preview configuration is tested using Print Test. This provides immediate feedback based on the configured settings so that changes can be made as necessary.

Still Need Help?
You can access our extensive knowledge base or raise a ticket with our technical support teams using the buttons below

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