Catalog : Product Manager : Edit : Pricing

Catalog : Product Manager : Edit : Pricing

This section of the platform is for adding and editing pricing information against Products.

What is the functionality of Pricing in the Platform?

Pricing for products can be very complex so Kornit X has built a very flexible pricing tool that can be used to calculate dynamic prices in Smartlinks based on customer choices, provide end user and trade prices in product feeds or add costing information to orders for invoicing & reporting.

Users can store the following pricing types:
  1. Cost Prices
  2. Trade prices
  3. Retail Prices
  4. RRP Prices
  5. Carriage Costs
Users can also add more in-depth pricing rules using the following example dropdowns.
  1. Pricing for using different Aspects, Attributes or Print Sizes.
  2. Pricing for each Print Area or Text Areas Used.
  3. Add pricing for number of colour/stitches used for embroidery products.
  4. Add a setup charged price.

How to set Pricing? 

Pricing can be set by selecting the "+ Add Tier Group" button which will create a blank price listing. 
Once a blank price listing has been added, the system by default will request users to set their "Type" first which will offer the 5 types of pricing.
Currency can than be selected from the dropdown for the next option.
Depending on the pricing type selected users will be able to set Seller or Buyer ids against the pricing type.
The rules for each option has been here - Cost = Buyer, Trade = Seller & Buyer, Carriage Cost = Buyer, RRP = Seller, Retail = Seller
Once the options for the Buyer or Seller has been selected users can finally set an "Element", which will offer the following dropdown. 
The following is a breakdown of each of the elements and what they will set when used on the product.
  1. Base - The most commonly used price, this is the Base price for the entire product and should be used when setting the entire price of a product. 
  2. Variant - Will allow users to set a Variant price, this will only work if the product in question has Variants but selecting this option will offer a dropdown to the available Variants users may want to set additional pricing, such as different colour garments being more expensive than -  the base Aspect.   
  3. Attribute - Allows users to set pricing against Attributes that can be added for certain Attributes such as using a gift box. This will only work if there are Attributes set on the product. 
  4. Text Area - If a Text Area needs to be charged, users can set an additional cost against products that include a Text Area. 
  5. Image Area - Much like the Text Area, pricing can be set for the use of Image Areas which may be set against the product. 
  6. Print Area - Users may want to set additional pricing for the use of Print Areas, for example users can set a charged price against users using a back Print Area of an item. 
  7. Stitch Count (1000s) - For embroidery products using EMB fonts, users may want to set a price for a Stich Count, This works in sets of a 1000 so the price can be set when users use embroidery setup.
  8. Setup - Setup pricing can be added for any additional setup costs users may want to add, such as an additional cost to create the product whenever its ordered. 
  9. Colour Count - Users can set pricing for Colour choices which may require an additional cost for certain Colours being ordered. 
To add the price, users need to click "+ Price" button which will expand out the Tiers dropdown.
The Tiers dropdown will show options for the "Quantity Break" and "Price (Addictive) options, 
Users can set multiple tiers simply by selecting the "+ Price" button, and a new quantity tier price can be added. 

How to edit Pricing

Users can edit pricing simply by amending the existing pricing and amending the Quantity Break and Price. 

Users can also delete pricing easily by using the trash icon shown below.
This can be found for each quantity or overall price making it easy for users to delete.
Users can change the pricing type and element but we at Kornit X feel it would be easier to add a new price in the method shown within this article. 

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