Catalog : Product Manager : Edit : Smartlink Builder
Smartlink Builder
This section of the platform is for generating custom Smartlinks for your Product.
What is a Smartlink?
A Smartlink is a Product URL, used to publish and sell on demand products on your website without any extra development. They are deployed via a modal window or embedded on the page.
How to use Smartlink Builder
Smartlink Builder has 5 steps, offering a range of configuration options that determine how the final link is generated.
1. App
The App refers to the overall aesthetic and structure of the software interface. There are multiple standard Apps available to select from.
Some Apps are purpose built for specific product types, therefore not all Apps share the same capabilities / functionality.
2. Configuration
The Configuration refers to how the App is 'configured'. Each App has multiple features and options that can be defined to;
- Change core Smartlink functionality and behaviour
- Apply CSS to 'reskin' the interface
- Influence/Control the user journey
Any previously created Configurations (for the selected App) are displayed in an unfiltered list.
New Configurations can be created within the Smartlink Builder by clicking '+ Configuration'.
Platform users can create multiple configurations for any standard App, and re-use them across multiple Products.
3. Dropship
The Dropship allows for a specific Dropship company to be selected. This process ensures that any orders generated from the Smartlink are automatically routed via the associated Sales Channel and connected Fulfiller.
By default, any existing Dropships are listed for selection.
4. Advanced
The Advanced menu features additional Smartlink options;
- Product Category: Associate a category of products to be loaded within the Smartlink for the end user to select from. (Some Apps may also require a custom Config, with product selector functionality enabled).
- Image Gallery: Associate a range of images to be loaded within the Smartlink for the end user to select from. (Galleries must exist before they can be used).
- Default Image: Upload or select an image to be added to the Product automatically.
- Dynamic Design Category: Associate a range of dynamic Products to be loaded within the Smartlink for the end user to select from. (Some Apps may also require a custom Config, with Dynamic Design functionality enabled).
- Dynamic Design Product: Associate a specific design Product to be loaded within the Smartlink.
Pricing: If you want to use pricing within your Smartlink this determines whether the price comes from the Platform or the eCommerce website.
Cart: If the Smartlinks are being used independently of a website or as an Instore POS link then this is where you link them to a payment service provider (PSP)
5. Your Smartlink
The generated Smartlink is available via a QR or full URL, which can be copied / opened to assess the functionality.
Smartlinks can also be generated in bulk by using Feeds in Product Manager.
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