Catalog: Product Onboarding

Catalog: Product Onboarding

Catalog : Product Onboarding

This section of the platform is for managing Product Creation via the dedicated Product Onboarding system, allowing users to better manage their creation. 

Platform users have access to Onboarding and can use it as a way to self manage their creation. 

Accessing the Dashboard View

When accessing the Product Onboarding menu, users will be greeted with the Dashboard which is an interactive dashboard of active fulfiller jobs in the system.
Fulfillers will only see job statistics relevant to them. Each status metric is clickable and will take you to a Job List view where each job can be accessed individually.
By default, the status of any new job is set to ‘Waiting to Start’.
Within the Dashboard, there are multiple different job statuses broken down below.
  1. Waiting to Start - New jobs have been added by fulfillers and are ready to be allocated to a User.
  2. Allocated - The job has been allocated to a User and is ready for them to configure.
  3. In Progress - The job is currently being configured by the Supplier
  4. Awaiting Supplier Approval - Supplier has submitted the job to Product Approvals ready for Kornit X to perform a technical review
  5. Awaiting Retailer Approval - Kornit X has approved the job, allowing for fulfillers to complete a final review
  6. Ready For Publishing - The job has been approved and can now be put Live
  7. Live - The product can be put live on retailer websites and marketplaces
Take the Dashboard as a quick view of all fulfiller products, the "Jobs" view is where most of the features of Product Onboarding can be set. 

How to Search & Filter the Dashboard
There are a few filters that users can set within dashboard. This includes the ability to change the dashboard view by searching via Creator Companies and Approval Companies as shown below. 
There is also a filter to change the view of the Dashboard by ascending or descending order of Fulfiller name or Job Statuses. 

Accessing the Jobs View

The Job list view can be accessed by changing the default view from "Dashboard" over to "Jobs"
The Job List view lists all fulfiller jobs by default. Each row will represent each individual job and its associated information. 
Once the view has been filtered, job information can be exported via the "Export Jobs" button which will produce a CSV of all associated job information. 
The Job List view also provides access to each individual Job Info Page via the clicking on each individual line.
By default the Job List view will show the following statuses - Job ID, External ID, Creator, Supplier Approval, Retailer Approval, Product data including SKU & Name, Job Status, Date Added, Last Updated and Target Date.

How to Search & Filter the Jobs view
Within Jobs there are multiple ways for users to search and filter the default view. Search tools are available to filter or find specific jobs based on Job ID, External ID and SKUs.
Jobs can also be filtered by setting the required Status, Created From, Created To, Creator User and Creator Company. 

Accessing each Job Info Page

The Job Info page contains the specific job information, split out into the following menus to manage jobs as shown below. - Info, Assets, History and Attributes. There are also additional Contextual Action buttons for Fulfillers to use to progress the Job Status and submit lines for approval. 

The info view provides a summary of the job information as specified by the fulfiller.
This includes listing the Target Date, Supplier SKU, Retailer SKU, Name, Supplier, Creator Data and tick box options for users to enable when setting up products such as ticking when certain elements of the products have been done.
The Assets view will offer the option to manually upload assets against jobs for their own reference purposes. The upload button can be found below.
The History view will give users the full job status history including timestamps and feedback that may be passed through Product Approvals.
The Attributes view will show viewers any attributes that need to be added to the products being created. 

There are additional buttons within the Job Info pages and these have been listed below. 
  1. Reallocate - Options to reallocate the user creating the product.
  1. Copy Existing Product - Will copy existing setup of products, the screen will bring up a search box to find the product they wish to copy from.
  1. Open Product - Direct access to the product setup found within Product Manager.

Once a job has been allocated, users will get access to the following options - Start and Submit for Approval.
When pressing "Start", products will be moved from the "Allocated" Status over to "In Progress".
When Pressing "Submit For Approval" the product will be moved from the "In Progress" status to the "Awaiting Supplier Approval"

How to Add New Products Manually

Jobs can be added manually, one by one sing the "+ Job" button found in the main Jobs menu. 
Once the button has been pressed users will be presented with 2 options. They can either add a Blank 2D Product from Scratch or create a Virtual from an existing blank.
Blank 2D Product Option
Choosing the Blank option, users will be offered a menu to add the following details to an individual Job - Supplier SKU, Retail SKU, Product Name, Product Classification, Product Type, Supplier Company ID, Owner Company ID and Space.
Additional data that can be added include Ecommerce Field and Product Job Fields such as Supplier SKU, Retail SKU, Product Name, Product Classification, Product Type, Supplier Company ID, Owner Company ID and Space.
Once Data has been added for a blank, users can press the "Add Job" button which will redirect users to the Blank product ready to be set in the Jobs view. 
Virtual Product Option
Choosing the "Add Virtual Product" option will ask users to enter the required Data, including most importantly the blank product ID of which the new virtual will be made from. As well as the ID users can add the Retail SKU and Functionality Product Type (with options for Customisable, Personalisable or Print On Demand

Users can also add data for Ecommerce Fields including options to add Brand Name, Design Name, Brand Code and SKU Design Code. For all Virtual Products the Design Name is required.

Users can then upload the Virtual Product URLS which is where the related artwork file can be loaded by using a publicly accessible link. Users can alternatively upload artwork in the Job Assets Page.

Virtual Product Job Fields should be filled in and these include the addition of an External ID, Creator Company ID, Creator User, Supplier Approval Company Ref ID, Retailer Approval Company Ref ID, Target Categories and Pending Categories

Finally, users can add Virtual Product Job Attribute Fields which can be filled in to aid the Product Creation Process by allowing the addition of linking to Preview Assets, Font & Font Colour data, Internal Text Area Names and any Additional Notes or Guidelines. 

Once Data has been added for a virtual, users can press the "Add Job" button which will redirect users to the Virtual product ready to be set in the Jobs view. 

How to Add New Products via an import

Jobs can be created via the Product Onboarding import, upon pressing the import button users will be greeted with the following options, 
The following is a breakdown of each import type available. 
  1. "Import Info" can be used to update existing data on product within Jobs.
  2. "Import Jobs" can be used to create new Blank products within the Jobs system.
  3. "Import Virtual Product Jobs" can be used to create new Virtual products based off of existing blanks within the Jobs system,
For more information on how to use the Product Onboarding imports click here. 

Still Need Help?
You can access our extensive knowledge base or raise a ticket with our technical support teams using the buttons below

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