Company Settings: Documents

Company Settings: Documents

Settings: Documents
In various areas of the Kornit X platform you can download and print documentation to aid in the production, picking or dispatch of your orders. Documentation is split into the following types :-

DISPATCH - Can be downloaded using the bulk actions under "Download" in the Order Manager screen of the Sales Module. These are commonly referred to as "Dispatch Notes" and are not commonly used in most floor workflows. Some Retailers may wish for specific dispatch paperwork to always be printed and accompany their orders, in that case those can be set here.

JOBSHEET - These are generally full A4 or US letter sized printed documents which are used to follow a job through the production system and are commonly used where labels or barcodes cannot be affixed directly to products or when running batches of items in the same job. More information on our standard jobsheet options is available here.

SHIPMENT - Are accessible from our Floor Module Shipping Station by scanning jobsheets and stock pick labels as part of one of our workflows. These labels could be standalone or connect in and pull elements from shipping integrations (for example adding labels to integrated peel off stationary)

ADDRESS - Address Labels can be downloaded using the bulk actions under "Download" in the Order Manager screen of the Sales Module. These can be used where shipping integrations and scanpoint driven workflows are not being used.

STOCK PICKING - These are used from our Floor module station "Picking" and are documents identifying blank products to be picked for prodection. Most commonly these are labels to be applied directly to products for scanning in other stations. More information on our standard picking label options is available here.

PRODUCT PRINT SHEET - Product print sheets are page formats for the Portfolio function from Catalog > Product Designer.

PALLETS - Coming Soon

Each documentation type has various options which will vary by information present, paper size, intended function etc. More details on these documents is available here

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