Artwork Generation / Vector
This section of the platform is for configuring advanced vector artwork settings.
What is Artwork Generation / Vector?
Artwork Generation / Vector is a group of settings that change the format and structure of output vector artwork files.

As these settings are defined at Company level they apply to all Products in the Catalog that are associated with the Company.
By default, Vector output is generated as a multi-layered PDF file.
For more information on the default Vector PDF layer structure, click here
What Settings are Available?
Several settings are available via dropdown menus and enable/disable toggles:
Add Backing Layer
The Backing Layer is a solid magenta layer that is labelled 'Spot Colour White' within the PDF file. The layer always matches the extents of any defined Image / Text Areas on the product - this is a requirement of some production processes. It is enabled by default.
Better Unicode Handling (Beta)
This option extends character support to include non-ASCII Unicode characters within the generated PDF (eg Hebrew or Greek characters etc).

Note: This option is relevant to Text functionality only. As a Beta feature it is not enabled by default and should only be used when extended character support is required.
Disable Background Fill
By default, Vector PDF includes a solid white background layer. This option removes if from the generated PDF file.
Embedded Image DPI (Experimental)
Generated Vector PDF files support a raster image layer; this is generated automatically when Products offer photo-upload or gallery functionality which is populated with a raster image.
The DPI of the raster layer can be changed by specifying a value.

Note: This option is relevant to Image functionality only. As an Experimental feature it is not enabled by default and should only be used if raster image quality is problematic.
Improved Text Alignment (Experimental)
By default, Text alignment features defined against a Product are not supported in Vector Artwork. Enabling this option extends Vector PDF support to include explicit text alignment options.

Note: This option is relevant to Text functionality only. As an Experimental feature it is not enabled by default and should only be used if vector based text alignment is required.
Output EPS
Changes the format of the generated Vector artwork from PDF to EPS.
Output PDF/A Files (Beta)
This option 'embeds' the font within the output PDF file based on PDF/A specification. This allows the PDF file to be downloaded / edited without a font substitution occurring.

Note: This option is relevant to Text functionality only. As a Beta feature it is not enabled by default and should only be used if embedded fonts are required.
Output Text Outlines (Beta)
This option automatically converts any text to Vector curves / paths. The text then becomes an actual shape, and is therefore no longer editable within the file. This is often used as part of 'engraving' solutions where a path is needed.

Note: This option is relevant to Text functionality only. As a Beta feature it is not enabled by default and should only be used if text outlines are required.