Company Settings: Incoming Orders - SKU Mapping

Company Settings: Incoming Orders - SKU Mapping

Company SettingsL Incoming Orders - SKU Mapping
There are options to set within the Kornit X platform to influence any incoming SKU Mapping orders and the options have been detailed here. 
  1. Include Variants In SKU Search - This option will allow users to search by a Variant SKU within order manager to find SKU Mapping orders. 
  2. Only Search By Retail SKU - This option enabled will mean users can only search for orders via the associated Retail SKU connected to the product or SKU map. 
  3. Restrict To Retailer CategoriesThis option will attempt to map the incoming item SKU to a product within a set of fixed product categories.  The product categories that are used can be specified in the Product Categories tab of the Sales Channel company.
  4. Restrict To Supplier Owned - This option toggled will restrict the orders to only display those owned by the fulfiller. 
  5. Use Supplier Company Ref ID - The option here will automatically be toggled on and this is due the fact this will retail the fulfiller company ref ID on the orders. 
Users simply need to toggle the options on or off dependent on the required outcomes. 

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