Company Settings: Order API V2.1

Company Settings: Order API V2.1

Company Settings: Order API V2.1
Kornit X has some advanced settings that can be enabled for those using the Order API V2.1 and these options have been built to improve efficiency and users of the API. 
Please note, this option will only be applicable for users of the Kornit X API V2.1, please check which option being used before making changes here. 

How does it work?
There are multiple options which can be enabled, these have been specified below:
  1. Copy Print Job Attributes To Item Attributes - With this slider enabled, the system will copy any print job attributes set on the order, to be carried over and copied to the individual item attributes found on orders. 
  2. Data Preprocessor - Data Preprocessing in the Kornit X system refers to the manipulation of data within the API before they fall into the platform.  
  3. Enforce Unique External Ref - Enabled by default, this option ensures when using the API V2.1 will always enforce the use of unique external references within orders. 
  4. Is Inline Batching Enabled - Another option enabled by default, this ensures for any inline batching those orders can be excepted. 
  5. Is Print Job Conversion Enabled - With this enabled on the slider, print job conversion will automatically occur for orders send in from the API. 
  6. Use Aspect Option SKU - Once this slider is enabled, the system will use aspect options skus which can be used for products with multiple aspects and aspect options, 
  7. Use Long Order Refs - Enabled by default in the system, this ensures the system uses longer order reference by default when orders fall into the system from the API. 
For the options already enabled these are default for all companies using the Kornit X system, so please use these options with caution. 

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