Company Settings: Razer GRN

Company Settings: Razer GRN

What is Razer GRN in relation to Company Settings?
The Razer GRN settings relate to the Accounting Integration Kornit X has built to connect to the Razer accounting systems.

PO Item Counts: This is a list of SKUs by PO Number with a count of how many times each SKU has been used on
the PO. Again this field shouldn't be edited it will be filled in automatically if you think it needs editing
please double check with an Engineer or Architect before doing so

PO Number Details: This field should be manually edited, it defines the details of the PO(s) for the
current company it has the following required format: `{poNumber}:{poDate}:{poSkuDetails}`.

The poSkuDetails has its own format for details specific to each sku on a PO.  This is where you define a SKU's
s/no number and its maximum quantity allowed on the PO it has the following required format: {poSku}/{s/noNumber}/{poSkuQuantity}

The poSkuDetails can be comma separated for multiple SKU Details and also multiple po details can be added to the
same field by adding a | between details a working example could be as follows:

For more information on this integration and what these settings mean please see

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