Company Settings: Webhooks

Company Settings: Webhooks

Company Settings: Webhooks
For users using Webhooks, the Kornit X platform has ways to improve orders of this type. There are multiple settings to be set within Webhooks and those include the following detailed below: 
  1. Order Item Status Change URL [Experimental]
  2. Product Approval Status Change URL
  3. VPW Feed URL - The VPW feed URL connects to product data set by a retailer removing the need generate one of Kornit X purpose built Webhook feeds each time new products need to be listed. This allows for more automation on the users side and being able to directly send the received data to a destination, removing the need to export the data to a file and upload the data to the desired destination.
For more information on the VPW Feed URL please refer to the following extensive article detailing how this works and how it can benefit - Click Here

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