The Ecommerce Data Export provides a convenient way to extract ECommerce information in bulk.
The export produces a CSV document for any 'selected' or filtered Products in Product Manager; this allows you to target a specific Category or Fulfiller etc.
What is the Ecommerce Data Export used for?
The exported data can be used to review existing eCommerce data in bulk, this is ideal for retailers and fulfillers to ensure products are retail ready and suitable for adding to websites.
The CSV file also serves as a template, allowing the data to be edited or new information to be added and applied via the associated ECommerce Import to update the Products.
It is recommended that Imports are tested on a sample range prior to rollout across a high volume of Products.
For more information on using the ECommerce Data Export click here
What data is available in the ECommerce Data Export?
The CSV file includes all available Ecommerce columns and contains any existing data for the selected Products. The ECommerce columns are presented based on the following sets of data;
Basic Details - General Product information
Default Fulfiller - Information relating to the Fulfiller of the Product
App Defaults - Default App settings including configurations
Sales Data - Product descriptions, weights and more
Licence Information - Any configured licensing information - applicable to licensed content.
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