Exports: Variants

Exports: Variants

Exports: Variants

The Variants Export provides a convenient way for Fulfillers to extract Variant setup information in bulk. 

The export produces a CSV document for any 'selected' or filtered Products in Product Manager; this allows you to target a specific Category or Fulfiller. 

What is the Variants export used for?
Fulfillers can use the exported data to review and compare existing Variants across a range of Products. 

The CSV file also serves as a template, allowing the data to be edited or new Variants to be added and applied via the associated Variant Import to update the Products.

It is recommended that Imports are tested on a sample range prior to rollout across a high volume of Products.

For more information on using the export / import click here

What data is available in the Variant export? 
The CSV file contains all variant settings for the selected Products, which includes the following columns;
  1. Variant ID - Unique Variant number
  2. Variant Ref - Unique reference code
  3. Variant SKU - SKU that is associated to the Variant
  4. Attribute Name - The attribute option connected to the variant
  5. Aspect Name - The name of the aspect connected to the variant
  6. Aspect Option Name - The name of the aspect option connected to the variant
  7. Print Size Description - The name of the print size connected to the variant
The file will also provide the unique IDs for any associated Attributes, Aspects, Print Sizes, Stock Products and Attribute Sets.

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