How does it work?
Within this screen you can either begin scanning your items ready for shipping or entering in the allocated barcode to run shipping on the individual items one at a time.
This station accepts Job Item Barcodes with the prefix " ", it can also work in short run mode by scanning the Item ID with the prefix "01". Please note that only orders set to "In Production" will work here. Once scanned the platform will display the following which is telling us where the Order needs to be added to for shipping to be successful.
Once you scan the barcode that we need to pick items from the associated bin. Once we pick these items and scan again the system tells us to "Store Item in" the bin.
Alternatively the Shipping Station will display Shipping Documents that need to be printed and included within the item package.

A useful option on the Kornit X QC Station is the fullscreen mode. Where a single computer is going to be used only for that station it allows a cleaner view with now room for error or switching, it keeps focus on the stations intended purpose. Fullscreen mode can be toggled on and off using the icon in the top right of the station which looks like the below.
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