JoJo Maman Bébé
Direct Dispatch Supplier Onboarding
Generic API
Prepared by Anna Britton (Professional Services Specialist)
& Cobi Martin (Training and Documentation Coordinator)
Kornit X are happy to welcome you to the platform. We work closely with JoJo Maman Bébé to enable integrations for the passing and end to end management of orders for fulfilment by third party suppliers.
Managing Orders via API
The Order Push API allows a supplier to configure a per dropship URL that will receive order details for any new orders created by retailers. Order details are sent to the URL via a simple JSON POST request.
Additionally, a X-CustomGateway-Hmac header is also sent as part of the request. This header can be used to verify that the request has originated from Kornit X.
To receive order pushes, a supplier must enable the "Generic API" supplier integration against the relevant dropshipping account in the platform, this can be done by your Kornit X contact.
Once the integration has been enabled, a push URL defined and changes saved, a HMAC key will be automatically generated.
Whilst optional, this step is highly recommended for security.
For each push request, a HMAC message digest can be calculated using the SHA256 algorithm with the request body as the input and the HMAC key displayed in the Generic API settings page.
The calculated HMAC message digest should match the value of the requests's X-CustomGateway-Hmac header.
If the values do not match then you should reject the push request.
The Order Shipment Endpoint is only required in instances where the fulfiller needs to return a shipment label. Please note by using this end point you will not update the status of your order, only return a shipment label.
Don't forget to replace :id with the order's unique numeric ID.
The shipping service used is automatically determined based on how your account has been configured.
A successful request will result in one or more shipment entities being created and returned.
If an order has been split into multiple shipments, then the items collection on each shipment can be used to identify which items are included in that particular shipment.
A successful request will result in an array of shipments being returned:
We have developed an order status API to allow order statuses of each order to be updated. The below is an example for dispatching an order and cancelling one.
Dispatch: To indicate that an order is fulfilled, the following call should be executed:
curl -X PUT -d '{ "status": 8 }' -H "authorization: basic REFID:APIKEY" -H "content-type: application/json" ""
Cancel: To cancel an order, where it cannot be fulfilled, the following call should be executed:
curl -X PUT -d '{ "status": 128 }' -H "authorization: basic REFID:APIKEY" -H "content-type: application/json" ""
In each case, :id is our order ID we will pass when sending orders.
The below table goes into detail of other statuses that can be set.
Status Code | Status Name | Description |
8 | Dispatched | The order has been fully dispatched. |
32 | QC Query | The order has a QC query against it. |
64 | Dispatched (Retailer Notified) | Dispatch confirmation has been explicitly pushed to the retailer by Kornit X. |
128 | Cancelled | The order has been cancelled. |
256 | On Hold | The order is on hold. |
512 | Sent to Supplier | The order has been routed to an appropriate supplier. |
513 | Received by Supplier | The order has been confirmed as received by an appropriate supplier. |
515 | Sent to Shipper | The order details have been sent to a shipment courier. |
516 | Received by Shipper | The order details have been confirmed by a shipment courier. |
This also supports submitting tracking numbers example below
curl -X PUT -d '{ "status": 8, "shipping_tracking": "ABC"}' -H "authorization: basic REFID:APIKEY -H "content-type: application/json" "",
Below is a breakdown of the above example.
The REFID is the fulfiller company code.
KEY is the API Key associated to the fulfiller company.
ID, in the case of the order is the internal order ID.
Cancellations via API
Kornit X has developed an order status API to allow the order status of each order to be updated.
To cancel an order, where it cannot be fulfilled, the following call should be executed:
curl -X PUT -d '{ "status": 128 }' -H "authorization: basic REFID:APIKEY" -H "content-type: application/json" ""
Below is a breakdown of the above example.
The REFID is the fulfiller company code.
KEY is the API Key associated to the fulfiller company.
ID, in the case of the order is the internal order ID.
Managing Stock via API
Kornit X provides a Stock API to allow suppliers to provide up-to-date stock information when stock positions change. This is updated via a Kornit X API end-point which uses basic authentication via a company ref ID and API key which you can obtain from your Kornit X contact by request.
There are two API end-points, one which allows the setting of stock levels per stock product and one that allows the retrieval of stock status for all products.
The stock API allows JoJo Maman Bébé Suppliers to POST stock updates using a RESTful API.
Setting stock levels
For stock updates, there is a simple call that allows the update of stock quantity, based on the manufacturer’s sku assigned to the stock product. The following provides an example of a call that sets the quantity of two stock products.
curl -X PUT -d'[ { "sku": "ABCD", "data": { "quantity_available": 10 } }, { "sku": "EFGH", "data": { "quantity_available": 12 } } ]' -H "Authorization: Basic REFID:<KEY>" -H"Content-type: application/json"
where REFID is the Kornit X supplier company code and where KEY is the API Key associated with that supplier company.
The following illustrates a sample of the data structure and attributes retrieved by the above API call:
"stock": [
"linked": [
"product": {
"id": 1538144,
"supplier_sku": "00884422",
"retail_sku": "00884422"
"variant": null
"quantity_available": 10000,
"lead_time_days": 0,
"daily_capacity": 0
"linked": [
"product": {
"id": 2947461,
"supplier_sku": "FM06231FOC",
"retail_sku": ""
"variant": null
"quantity_available": 0,
"lead_time_days": 0,
"daily_capacity": 0
The API call will return the supplier and retail SKU associated with each stock product visible to the Retailer, variant data (where for example there are linked size options), the quantity available (stock level) and any lead-time and daily capacity metrics set against the stock product.
Please note that the dispatch date is the date that the customer is expecting the product to be delivered to them, therefore you should be dispatching before this date with enough time to include your delivery.
A branded A4 Dispatch Note must be included within each order. It contains information which is vital for the Customer Returns process.
An example Dispatch Note can be viewed here.
The Dispatch Note is available to download and print from the Order Manager.
If you are integrating directly with the Order Manager, a url will be included with the data where you will be able to access and print the Dispatch Note.
As standard, orders will be passed as individual order lines and the supplier can consolidate at the packing stage if desired.
For example, if a customer orders 2 products from JoJo Maman Bébé in 1 transaction, two individual orders will be passed to the supplier.
However, there are systemic solutions available - these should be discussed and agreed with the JoJo Maman Bébé team directly.