JoJo Maman Bébé Live Preview Product Onboarding – Gift Card Creation

JoJo Maman Bébé Live Preview Product Onboarding – Gift Card Creation

Live Preview Product Onboarding 

Gift Card Message Creation 


Prepared by Anna Britton (Professional Services Specialist)  

& Cobi Martin (Training and Documentation Coordinator) 

The following document has been written to aid JoJo Maman Bébé Fulfillers with Gift Card Message Creation  which needs to be set up as live preview lines.  

Regarding getting the products into the Kornit X Product Onboarding System this will be covered by the PIF sheet you will have provided the JoJo Maman Bébé team with previously. 
To access this system please refer to the following link – CLICK HERE. A user will already have been created by the Kornit X team and these login details will be provided before accessing document.  

This document has been split into the following areas, every section has been aided by imagery and video tutorials. 


Product Allocation 
  1. Allocate Products to Your User
  2. Prepare Products for Creation 

Basic Product Setup 
  1. Set Product Type 
  2. Setting The Default App 
  3. Setting Your Preview Specification & Aspect Imagery 
  4. Amending Your Print Area 

Product Personalisation & Functionality 
  1. Creating a Text Area 
  2. Setting Text Options Settings 
  3. Formatting Your Text Area  
  4. Adding Validation to Your Text Area 
  5. Adding Advanced Options Boundary to Your Text Area 

Product Submitting & Approval 

 Product Allocation 

Every part of this section will be done within the “Product Onboarding” menu. To access this simply head to “Platform” > “Catalog” > “Product Onboarding” 

Allocate Products to Your User 

First, you need to allocate the products to your user. The correct user should be the only one that appears in the dropdown for you. To do so following the steps. 
Click the “Waiting to Start” link to access the products. 
Go through and tick all of the products you wish to setup.  
Press the “Bulk Edit” button to get the following window. From the dropdown for “Allocated User” you need to select the user you are currently signed in as. By doing so this will move the products to ‘Allocated’ on the Dashboard. 

Prepare Products for Creation 

You will now be able to access your “Allocated” products. To do so simply click on the number of lines and you will be taken to a view to see all of the “Allocated” lines. The following are the steps to take to get these lines ready.   

  1. Work can be done on products on a 1by1 basis. Simply head to the “Actions” menu and select “Edit”. 
  2. First you need to select the “Start” button which will move the product statis over to “In Progress” on the Product Onboarding dashboard.
  3. Now the products status has been updated you can now select the “Open Product” button to open the product in a new tab.  


Basic Product Set Up 

The following steps refer to getting your product ready to be Live Preview. To do so the product typing has to be updated and a Default App needs to be added to preview within the JoJo Maman Bébé app. These steps are needed so the live preview lines will pass through to the JoJo Maman Bébé team.  

Set Product Type 

When you open the product you will see the following view, the product will be preset with the types of “Customisable” and “No Preview” but the following changes need to be made.  
The first option that needs to be enabled is the type “Stock”. By setting this type you can ensure the product will become visible in the Kornit X Stock Inventory.  
Following this you need to unselect the “No Preview” option from the dropdown and ensure an Aspect can be temporarily added.  
Finally, you need to “Save and typing will have been set and will be left as “Customisable” & “Stock”.  

Setting the Default App 

Once the typing has been set, we recommend that users go to the App Defaults menu where the JoJo Maman Bébé app can be set. Setting this means users can preview the product in the exact app that JoJo Maman Bébé preview online and it means for approvals the products will appear within the app.  

First users need to remain on the Basic Details area and click onto the “App Defaults” tab menu as shown below.  
Once loaded, users can set the “Default App” by clicking on the dropdown. Within the Dropdown users need to copy in the app which can be copied from this document here as “jojo”.
Once selected users need to “Save”.  

Setting Your Preview Specification & Aspect Imagery 

Once the above steps have been followed, users need to begin adding their product imagery. This product image will be called an “Aspect” and the aspect acts as the image customers will add text to on the website. For more information on Aspects and mastering the quality of preview image please click the following 2 links – Link 1 and Link 2.  
Please note that this imagery is separate from the product images that will have been provided to JoJo Maman Bébé via their PIF sheet.  
The steps to add imagery are detailed below:  
First, users need to load into the “Preview” menu as shown below.  
Upon loading this menu users will see there is an Aspect already created called “Dummy” which you will amend to be called “Gift Message.”  To amend simply click the “Edit” icon shown here.  
This will load the options screen below where you will add the Gift Message product imagery to. 
You need to upload the gift message artwork (800 by 800-pixel image) to the “Main Image” option by clicking the “Upload” button.  
If you offer multiple gift message options, then a new option line will need to be added for each available gift message. To add a new option simply click the +option button shown below 
This will create a new line where the available Gift message artwork can be uploaded 
Enter the name and corresponding SKU to the two available fields above.  
Some examples of the types of blank images other customers of JoJo Maman Bébé used can be found here.  
Once the image has been uploaded users need to finally amend the “Dummy” name on the preview to the product name ‘Gift Message’ 

Finally, you can click save and move onto the next part of the creation.  

Amending Your Print Area 

Once the Aspect Imagery has been added users can head onto the next part which is amending the print area to be able to add text functionality later. The steps to amend your Print Area will be detailed below. 

First, users need to load into the “Print” menu as shown below. 
Once loaded, users will see a “Dummy” print area which is already made when the products are added to Onboarding. To amend you need to click the “edit” button as shown.  
You first need to change the “Dummy” name to "Gift Message” and select the aspect “Gift Message” from the available drop down. 
You then need to update the preview size from 100 by 100 pixels to 800 by 800 pixels. By doing so the text areas will cover the entire product so this is necessary to ensure the product
is made to a high quality JoJo Maman Bébé anticipate for all of their suppliers. 
Finally, you can click “Save” and move onto the next part of the creation.  

Product Personalisation & Functionality 

Creating a Text Area 

As soon as the print area has been updated, users can head to the functionality section of the product and the Text tab, and you can begin to create your text area as shown below.  
To create a text area, you simply need to press the “+ Text Area” button 
Upon clicking this option, you will be taken to a blank text area. Please enter “Personalisation” as the Name of the text field and set the Print Area to “Gift Message”

Note – Print Area is a dropdown menu. 
 Once this is done, the aspect image will appear on the page to allow you to position the text against the image. To position the text enter the following X and Y positions: 
  1. X = 405 
  2. Y = 392 

Finally, you can move to the next steps, setting the text options that you wish to use. 


Setting Text Options Settings 

 Under the “User Controls” menu set the following options.
Under the “Behaviour” menu set the following options 

Formatting Your Text Area 

Under the “Formatting” menu set the following options 

Note – Default font is a search button. Once selected the below window will appear which will allow you to select your font. 

Adding Validation to Your Text Area 

Under the “validation” menu set the following options  

Adding Advanced Options Boundary to Your Text Area 

Under the “Advanced” menu set the following options 

Product Submitting & Approval 

Once the Products are ready all you need to do is send them over to Kornit X to approve them. Once Kornit X approve lines the JoJo Maman Bébé team will then be able to approve your lines for you. The below list will document how to send them to approval and how to deal with any rejections.  
  • Once your product is done, please close your tab and you will be able to see the Product list view 
  • If you are happy with the product, press the “Submit for Approval” button 
  • Once you submit this for approval the Kornit X team will be able to approve your lines. This will update the dashboard view to show “Awaiting Supplier Approval” 
  • As soon as Kornit X check your products, if they are happy, they will send the products over to JoJo Maman Bébé for approval. The status will then be updated to “Awaiting Retailer Approval”. 
  • When JoJo Maman Bébé approve they will finally move onto the “Ready For Publishing” status, this is when the products will go live on the JoJo Maman Bébé website.  
  • However, Kornit X or JoJo Maman Bébé may reject the products. If they do so the products will be pushed back to Allocated on the dashboard. The products will be flagged with an alert to review the lines. 
  • Kornit X and JoJo Maman Bébé will leave comments on failed lines. To view this, click on the line and open the “History” tab.  
  • Once the product changes have been made, simply resubmit the products over for approval and run through the above process again. 

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