Next Made to Measure Product Documentation
Prepared by Cobi Martin (Training and Documentation Coordinator)
The following documented has been created to outline the process that Next use to create Made to Measure products through the Kornit X Platform. Below are the contents of this document.
Examples Of Live Products
Image and Data Prerequisites of Product Setup
Product Setup
Product Requirement Rules
Product Stock Association for Curtains and Roman Blinds
Adding To the Next App
Product Creation API Failure Messages
Understanding Price Bands
Product Attributes
Price Matrix
The point of this document is to make it easier to understand how the Next API connects to the Kornit X Platform to create Made to Measure products that are than linked to the Next M2M app and set to be available within the live Next website.
Please note that the main customer with Next using the M2M solution is Ashley Wilde, this is due to grow to Grand Homes shortly but for now all items are available from Ashley Wilde. To easily access all of the Ashley Wilde M2M products please click this link which will take you to the products within V3 - Link
This documentation will continue to be updated whenever enhancements are made to the setup including the Inbound API and Pricing enhancements that are being added over time.
Examples of Live Products
The following table has been split by each Next Made to Measure product types and include links to all of the product types on the live Next website. These have been added so whoever accesses this document can see a variety of different live M2M Products.
Image and Data Pre-Requisites of Product Setup
The images that are used with the products need to have the following pre-requisites which have been split below for you.
The Supplier reference MUST be exact as the supplier required for order management and therefore MUST include any symbols that may be associated.
The Images must be set to 200 by 200 pixels and be set to 75 DPI.
The max file size of each image file should be set to 40 kb.
Below is a table which lists the image type and the naming convention that each image must contain, without matching the list will error and not create the product correctly.
Image Type | Naming Convention to use |
Curtain Double Pinch Pleat | SUPPLIERREFERENCE_2PIN.jpg |
Curtain Triple Pinch Pleat | SUPPLIERREFERENCE_3PIN.jpg |
Curtain Eyelet Antique | SUPPLIERREFERENCE_EYE-ATQ.jpg |
Curtain Gold Eyelet | SUPPLIERREFERENCE_EYE-GLD.jpg |
Curtain Silver Eyelet | SUPPLIERREFERENCE_EYE-SIL.jpg |
Curtain Eyelet Gun Metal | SUPPLIERREFERENCE_GUN-MET.jpg |
Curtain 3" Pencil Pleat | SUPPLIERREFERENCE_PP3.jpg |
Curtain 6" Pencil Pleat | SUPPLIERREFERENCE_PP6.jpg |
Curtain 6" Wave | SUPPLIERREFERENCE_WAVE.jpg |
Roman Cassette | SUPPLIERREFERENCE_ROM_Cassette.jpg |
Roman Classic | SUPPLIERREFERENCE_ROM_Classic.jpg |
Roman Stacked | SUPPLIERREFERENCE_ROM_Stacked.jpg |
Roman Waterfall Roman | SUPPLIERREFERENCE_ROM_Waterfal.jpg |
Roller Cassette | SUPPLIERREFERENCE_RB_Cassette.jpg |
Roller Classic | SUPPLIERREFERENCE_RB_Classic.jpg |
Roller Blind Chain | SUPPLIERREFERENCE_RB_Chain.jpg |
Roller Blind Spring | SUPPLIERREFERENCE_RB_Spring.jpg |
Vertical Blind Cameo | SUPPLIERREFERENCE_Cameo.jpg |
Vertical Blind Life | SUPPLIERREFERENCE_Life.jpg |
Vertical Blind Wand | SUPPLIERREFERENCE_Wand.jpg |
Vertical Blind Chain | SUPPLIERREFERENCE_Chain.jpg |
Vertical Blind Cassette | SUPPLIERREFERENCE_Cassette.jpg |
Vertical Blind Classic | SUPPLIERREFERENCE_Classic.jpg |
Vertical Blind Swatch | SUPPLIERREFERENCE_Swatch.jpg |
Swatch Image | SUPPLIERREFERENCE_Swatch_2.jpg |
For all Swatch Image items they must be loaded as fulfilment type Made To Measure even if the item will not be loaded into the app iFrame.
Please note that Images for new product should be copied to a google drive folder, the Next team have their own link that they use which is found here. Once loaded into this Google Drive folder the images will be sent into the following image gallery found within the Kornit X Platform here – Click Here
The gallery can be seen below and every image will have a name that matches the naming conventions linked above.
To be able to see if all images needed are there simply click into the gallery and search with the Retail SKU which will display the images that have been added as shown for example below.
Regarding the images for each product type there would be a set of default images that you should be able to see within the gallery. please use the below table as a guide to better understand what images should be available per product type.
Product Types | Default Images |
Curtains | None |
Roman | Exact Recess White Plastic / Black Plastic / Nickel / Brass |
Roller | Exact Recess White Plastic / Black Plastic / Nickel / Brass |
Roller_Printed | Exact Recess White Plastic / Black Plastic / Nickel / Brass |
Vertical | Exact Recess White Plastic / Black Plastic /Nickel |
Venetian_Aluminium | Exact Recess |
Perfect_Fit_Venetian | White Anthracite |
Perfect_Fit_Honeycomb | White Anthracite |
Perfect_Fit_Pleated | White Anthracite |
Fabric_By_The_Metre | None |
Once all images are found within the gallery the products associated to them can be sent into the Kornit X Platform.
Product Set Up
For any M2M products there are certain prerequisites that MUST be set in order for these to pull into the platform. These include the following:
The Price Matrix needs to be set up on the Platform already.
The M2M app in use has to be published with support for the required product type.
Product images MUST be loaded by the Next team into the linked image gallery by the next team prior to sending in the product creation API Request.
Here is a link to the Gallery that these images must be loaded to, without them certain products will not load - Next Made to Measure Gallery
Product Requirements Rules
Whenever Next send the product creation request via the Next Product API the following data has to be shared on the API. Please note, without this full list of rules, the products will fail to get generated.
Retail SKU (“item_number” is the term used by Next)
Supplier Code (“supplier_code” is the term used by Next)
Fulfiller SKU (“manu style” is the term used by Next)
Product Description (“detailed_desc” is the term used by Next)
Product Type (“fulfilment_type” is the term used by Next)
Pricing Brand (“pricing_band” is the term used by Next)
Product Type (“product_type” is the term used by Next)
Here is an example of what would be sent from the API into the platform, note there is a comma to separate each of the requirement rules - '{"item_number":"T96720","supplier_code":"A33391","manu_style":"PT1133","detailed_desc":"PF PT DL GR CT","fulFillment_type":"M","pricing_band":"A","product_type":"perfect_fit_pleated"}'
The Supplier Code sent in must match the company ref ID found within the Platform.
The product type will always be “M”, standing for M2M when it comes into the platform.
Product Stock Association for Curtains and Roman Blinds
For Curtains and Roman Blinds on the initial creation sent from the API, if there is no existing Fulfiller SKU (manu_style) already found in the Kornit X Catalog agaisnt the supplier code, the system will know to create a Stock product for that item.
If a request is made to create either one of these M2M product types where there is already an existing product with the same Fulfiller SKU (manu_style), a fabric stock product will be created and associated with the Curtain and Roman Blind products. The product will contain the Fulfiler SKU as well as the Retail SKU which will be set to “_Fabric”.
In this scenario, the Curtain and Roman Blind products will have no type associated to them and the “_fabric” product will be the stock product through which the levels of the fabric stock level can be managed. We have added an example of this below in the image as well as a link to the targeted products – Click Here
The Fabric item will be Associated via the stock base product ID set agaisnt the items as shown below.
On top of this, please note that the Fabric item will always be locked and the other items will not be.
Adding To The Next App
With most product they should already be set to load within the Next M2M app and the easiest way to test this is to run the Preview Test on the actual product. To do so simply click the highlighted button on the product
Once clicked the product will load the M2M app which will appear like the following.
If, however, you press the Preview test button and the above app does not load this means they need to be added to the App manually.
To add the lines to the apps manually you first need to load up the app and within the Config ID “sj719ds8pj2w381”. Then within the “Misc” menu you can access the Product ID Map as linked here and shown below – Click Here
The key here is to open up a CSV file and add the Next Retail SKU of the item with a “->” symbol to the platform ID associated to the product needed. An example of this would be the following “123456->7654321”.
Once the data has been generated simply add it to the end of the ID map on an additional line, you MUST NOT remove any of the existing map as this will exist for every line which should be generated on a per product basis.
Once this has been added the product will now load within the Next M2M app as the line has physically been linked within that map.
Product Creation API Failure Messages
It may be the case that items sent in via Next with a push request from the Next Prodct Systems to Kornit X that some of items will fail. This can be due to many things being missed off including the following common examples listed below.
Invalid F&G product_type: 'Non_Glass_Gift'
Missing product_type
Missing price_band
Missing Images
Issues with missing images are typically indicated with a message similar to the following - “Client error: `HEAD` resulted in a `403 Forbidden` response”.
Understanding Price Bands
Made To Measure items bust be assigned a pricing band within the Next system which ultimately drives the cost of the products. The first part of the pricing band would be the Product Type as shown below from the menu which matches each type of product.
Product Type Code | Product Type Name |
100 | Curtains |
200 | ? |
300 | ? |
400 | Venetian |
After the type the band must be set agaisnt the product and those 4 examples for the 4 band types have been listed below.
Band Number | Band Name |
1 | Band A |
2 | Band B |
3 | Band C |
4 | Band D |
These price bands are finally stored against the product within the Kornit X platforms The values set will always combine the Product Type and Band Value so with that example 1001 would mean Curtains & Band A and 4004 would mean Venetian & Band D.
Product Attributes
As of the time of writing the main M2m items will contain multiple attributes including the Type of product, Max & Min width and height, Fitting, Stacking, Lining and Chain to name a few. Please note the below screenshot shows a typical example of attributes against a M2M line.
If any attributes have been spotted on any products that are incorrect the only way to update the data is to use the attribute import. For example, if there are changes that need making to the Min width field you can export all items and only import back in the min width field. To do so users should run an attribute import, set the change and import the file back in to mass update the products needed.
The attribute import and export has already got an article created to explain how to use, please follow this link to find this – Click Here.
Price Matrix
The price matrix data is stored on an excel spreadsheet controlled by Kornit X. The costs are loading onto this spreadsheet via the backend which ultimately drives the cost onsite.
There are plans for this to be made into an editable format and this documentation will be updated once this is available. For now, the format of the spreadsheet cannot be adjusted in anyway.