Product Integration | Wayfair (Export Only)

Product Integration | Wayfair (Export Only)

Wayfair Integration Help
If you do not already have a Waydair account you can contact them here - Link

Our Platform integrates seamlessly with your Wayfair account to allow the sending of your products to the Wayfair Product marketplace connected via the category structure of your available products.  
Export Only refers to the fact this integration will ONLY export products out from the platform and into the Wayfair domain and not allow the import of products. 
The point of this product integrations is that if your products were listed in a specific way for Wayfair the integrations can be set to map the products to the correct categories and that is done by setting the Product Integration. 

All you need to do when enabling the Wayfair integration is to tick the "Enabled" option and set your Client ID, Client Secret and Warehouse ID and this will then be active. Additionally with the Wayfair (Export Only) Product integration you can set a testing environment to ensure you can test to see if the integration is working.  
We strongly advise having an established relationship with Wayfair with plans to list products on their website when setting up this integration.

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