Production: Inventory

Production: Inventory

The Inventory module is a part of Production and allows for users to set stock allocations to multiple products they own,

Kornit X offers this module as a way for stock to properly be managed for fulfillers. 
Products will only appear within the Inventory module if the Stock type has been enabled.

What is the functionality of Inventory
The functionality is for fulfillers to set the stock of their items, meaning for any retailers listing their products they will know the latest stock figures which can be controlled manually, via imports and via API connections. The system will list each individual stock product in the following view, listing a products SKU, Barcode, Name, Fulfiller and Quantity. 
We offer multiple ways to search for products, this includes a search field for name, barcode or SKU searches, filter by fulfiller and filter by categories.

How to allocate stock manually
In order to change the stock on an item, users simply need to change the current value and click the "Save" button which will amend the current inventory number.
If stock needs to be amended on multiple lines with a matching SKU users can search the product and change the stock on all before clicking "save". 

How to allocate stock via an import
Alternatively, Kornit X offers an import & export solution to mass check stock and offer the ability to amend the stock via an import.

To run an export simply click the following export button, and the stock will generate into a CSV file. 
To run an import simply save the file as a text CSV and click the following import button

CSV Import Format Requirements
If using Excel, the file must be saved as a .CSV.

If using OpenOffice or equivalent, save as .CSV and be sure to:
  1. Enable 'Edit the Filter Settings'
  2. Keep Current Format
  3. Change the character set to UNICODE (UTF-8)
  4. The saving delimeter needs to be ","
  5. Enable 'Quote all text cells'
The file can then be imported.

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