RIP Integrations: PDF Toolbox

RIP Integrations: PDF Toolbox

This RIP Integrations allows Kornit X to utilise PDF Toolbox to RIP your artwork files in advance in the cloud and have the 1bit files ready for printing in our Floor module. Please note RIP Integrations can only be set on Production Centre company types. 
For more information on using PDF Toolbox as a viable solution for a production centre company, please click here

Integration Setup
The RIP integration is configured on a Production Centre company and points to PDF Toolbox set up by Kornit X. When setting this integration users need to set their "Username", "Password" and "Base API URL". These details will be provided to you from PDF Toolbox before the integration is setup the integration with us.

There are also settings available such as the tickbox to enable the use of Custom RIP Processes and a RIP Output Format (giving the options between PDF or PNG).

There are Optional Variables that can be supplied with data into this integration to improve and ensure certain options such as adjustable sizing, smoothing of curves and rendering resolution of files. These variables can be set and applied to all files coming into the system for this RIP Integration. 

There are multiple different variables that this integration supports and these have been detailed below. 
  1. "VAR_outlineObject_adjustSize" - Using this variable allows for options to subtract (negative values) or add to (positive values) to a PDF pages geometry box. Entering "-4" will result in a files shape being made smaller by 4 units on all sides. 
  2. "VAR_outlineObject_colorValueBlack" - This variable will adjust the colour of any Black elements of the PDF file by either a negative or positive value. 
  3. "VAR_outlineObject_colorValueCyan" - This variable will adjust the colour of any Cyan elements of the PDF file by either a negative or positive value. 
  4. "VAR_outlineObject_colorValueMagenta" - This variable will adjust the colour of any Magenta elements of the PDF file by either a negative or positive value. 
  5. "VAR_outlineObject_colorValueYellow" - This variable will adjust the colour of any Yellow elements of the PDF file by either a negative or positive value. 
  6. "VAR_outlineObject_curveOptimizationError" - A maximum delta will be allowed between pixel perfect tracing and curve optimization. A value of 0.2 is recommended by PDF toolbox as it will allow for efficient curves within the files, any values great than 1 would not be helpful. 
  7. "VAR_outlineObject_curveSmoothness" - This can be used to determine the "Curve Smoothness" needed within the PDF file. A value of 1 is recommended here as using a 0 value will make the PDF files appear jagged due to tracing
  8. "VAR_outlineObject_despeckle" - Adding a value here will apply despeckling to the files between the pixels of different colours on the files.  
  9. "VAR_outlineObject_lineWidth" - This attribute determines the line width of files. 
  10. "VAR_outlineObject_optimizeCurves" - This makes it possible for the curve optimization to be enabled or disabled. 
  11. "VAR_outlineObject_reduceToOuterBoarders" -  If a negative or positive value is required users can input a value to reduce the size of the outer boarders of a file. 
  12. "VAR_outlineObject_renderResolution" - Users can set a value here for the rendering resolution they wish to receive on all files downloaded from PDF Toolbox. The value that need adding here need to be PPI (pixels per inch) so if 1200 PPI was set their would be 1200 pixels per inch of the file.
  13. "VAR_outlineObject_spotColorName" - This attribute makes it possible to create rendered pages based on any objects with a matching colour that has been filtered in this search. For examples users could set the spot colour to orange and the tracing would only happen based off of when the file shows only orange text. 
  14. "VAR_outlineObject_thresholdLightness" - Users can enter a value here to amend the threshold of lightness on the files. 
  15. "VAR_outlineObject_unit" - This field can be set to adjust the size unit of the files. 
Additional Information on optional variables, Inc. values and parameters can be found detailed here. This documentation has been created by Callas who created the PDF technology being used with this RIP Integration.  

The workflow for files coming through this RIP integration will be pulled in every hour.  Below is an example of the Request Body Payload JSON which will be received. Please note this example includes some of the optional variables documented above. 

            "uri":"{{ artworkUrl }}", 
    "processes": [ 
            "name": "profile", 
            "priority": 100, 
            "customId": "one", 
            "children": [ 
                    "customId": "two" 
            "resourceRefs": [ 
            "data": { 
                "reports": [ 
                        "type": "TEMPLATE", 
                        "templatePath": { 
                            "base": "$common", 
                            "name": "Overview_STD_calibrate" 
                        "name": "$originalName_Übersicht.pdf" 
                        "type": "XSLT", 
                        "templatePath": { 
                            "base": "$common", 
                            "name": "Reports/pi4_2_json.xslt" 
                "options": [ 
                "arguments": [ 
                        "language": "en" 
                "profilePath": { 
                    "base": "/root/data/common/kornit/", 
                    "name": "outlineObject_applyClipMask.kfpx" 
                "variables": [ 
                        "VAR_outlineObject_spotColorName": "Cutcontur" 
                        "VAR_applyClipMask_nameSpotColor": "Cutcontur" 
                        "VAR_outlineObject_thresholdLightness": 0.99 
                        "VAR_outlineObject_adjustSize": 0 
                        "VAR_outlineObject_colorValueCyan": 0 
                        "VAR_outlineObject_colorValueMagenta": 100 
                        "VAR_outlineObject_colorValueYellow": 0 
                        "VAR_outlineObject_colorValueBlack": 0 
                        "VAR_outlineObject_lineWidth": 1
            "name": "saveasimg", 
            "customId": "two", 
            "data": { 
                "arguments": [ 
                        "imgformat": "PNG" 
                        "colorspace": "RGBA" 
                        "resolution": "200" 
            "resourceRefs": [ 

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