The ability to export a products retailer feed is available through Platform and it downloads a .csv file for manual import. The webhook feed produces the same data format as the retailer feed , however, it generates the data to a URL instead of a downloadable file. This allows for more automation on the users side and being able to directly send the received data to a destination, removing the need to export the data to a file and upload the data to the desired destination.
Setting up the Sales Channel Company:
Locate or create the Sales Channel company in Settings > Companies that represents the website / system you are posting products to
Go to the advanced settings tab
Open the "webhooks" group
- Enter you webhook URL into the designated field named VPW Feed URL
Your Sales Channel is now set up and you are ready to post products to it.
Using the webhook feed:
Navigate to Sales > Feeds
- Select the products you wish to export.
- Click the feeds button and select "Webhook"
- Choose the Sales Channel company you set up under "Retailer" and select your currency
- Generate the feed.
You may be prompted to create a dropship, if this is required it will create them and just ask the user to confirm or remove the dropships.
The result of the export:
Once these steps have been completed the data will have been sent to the URL entered into the VPW Feed URL earlier. An example of this process had been created throughout, the data received using the webhook feature is in Json. The data received can be viewed below (Formatted from Json for convenience of the image).