Managing Orders
The following section will break down how to edit Orders from the multiple available options.
Managing Basic Order Details
Within the standard view of each line order, users will be able to see the Product Thumbnail (if applicable), Order Quantity, Product SKU, Order References (including the outbound Kornit X reference and the inbound Retailer reference), Customer Name, Sale Date, Created Date and finally the status of the order. This is a standard for all orders within Order Manager.
When accessing individual orders, users will be taken to advanced details of each order which will detail the following menus.
- Order Info: Showing basic details on the order, including the following.
- Order details such as Sales Channel and Dropship companies associated to the order and the Sales Date
- Shipping Details such as Address, Carrier, Method and Tracking
- Printing details such as External Ref, whether or not the line has been Batched, Artwork Barcode, Product ID and Print Job ID.
- Costing details such as Unit Retail, Unit Cost, Shipping Code and any associated Tax
- History: Showing an audit trial of each order and the statuses set. This will include system generated updates and any user interactions set on orders.
Order Manager also allows users to have the ability to either "Split", "Duplicate" or "Edit" orders as shown below.
Individual line items can also be amended with Duplication and Edit options as shown below.
Editing individual Orders
Within each orders, users can either Edit entire orders or edit separate order lines. Both options are completely different and have been broken down below.
- From editing an entire order, users can amend Basic Information, Shipping, Billing, Attributes and Customer Service.
- From editing an Individual order, users can amend Details, Personalisation, Live Edit, Attributes and Artwork.
Editing an entire order, will allow users to view or amend the following data.
- Basic Information - Order Information such as Order Number, Dropship, Status, Has Error slider, Tag and Adding Comments
- Shipping - Shipping Details such as Name, Contact Details, Address, Required Dispatch Date, Method, Carrier, Tracking, Shipping Note URL, Price and Tax
- Billing - Billing Details such as Name, Email, Telephone and Address Information
- Attributes - All line attributes associated to the order will be listed here.
- Customer Service - Any customer service data reported from retailers and customers will be listed here.
Editing individual Line Items, will allow users to view or amend the following elements.
- Details - Allows users to view details associated to each individual line item such as Status, SKUs, Colours, Sizes, Quantity, Costs, Product IDs and Print Job IDs.
- Personalisation - Will list any Text or Image Elements associated to individual item lines.
- Live Edit - Will allow users to customise the order by being able to amend the text, image, attributes or aspect options of any lines listed. This will load products into our standard ACP app.
- Attributes - Will list any Attributes associated to the line item that users can add to.
- Artwork - Will list all associated artwork files linked to the product, including giving users a Description, Format and File Names. Users can download individual artwork files using this method.
Multi Edit Orders
With multiple orders, users can make changes by selecting the products they wish to update or download and the following options will appear.
Download Address Labels, Dispatch Notes, Jobsheets, Artwork or Picking Labels.
Change Status to Dispatch, On Hold, Un Hold or Cancelled
Advanced options to Batch or Check Pending Print Jobs
To select orders, users simply need to press the blank square to the left of all orders and once all orders have been clicked, the system will tell them the amount selected and offer the above options to mass amend or download elements of each order as shown below.