Settings | Product Assignment Sets

Settings | Product Assignment Sets

What are Product Assignment Sets?
Product Assignment Sets allows platform users to 'predefine' specific font options to serve as a reusable pre-set. This pre-set can then be assigned to personalised products via Text Areas.
This is particularly useful for Brands who can create pre-sets to conform to their style guides, offering control of the specific fonts and colours that end users can interact with when personalising the products. 

How does it work?
This works by selecting from the following option types depending on which you wish to set; Fonts, Sizes or Colours
The 'create set'' button will appear depending on which type you are setting. 
Within the view (regardless of which type selected) you must add the Details including the Name of the set (for reference) and Owner (company that has access to the set):

The following details are then different between each type: 
  1. Fonts - Search the entire platform font library to select and add font to your 'Font set'. Once selected, click save to confirm. 
  1. Sizes - Define a range of font sizes by clicking the "+ Font Size" button and adding size values. Once added, click save to confirm. 
  1. Colours - Define a range of specific colours by clicking the "+ Font Colour" button and by adding custom colour names and inputting hex codes. Once added, click save to confirm. 

Platform users will see their new set within the list view. Search tools are available to find Assignment Sets by name or the unique set ID. 

When an assignment set has been created, this can be added to one or multiple personalised products via its Text Area > Formatting menu;

  1. Available Fonts: Allows you to search and connect to your created Font Sets
  2. Available Sizes: Allows you to search and connect to your created Size Sets
  3. Available Colours: Allows you to search and connect to your created Colour Sets

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