Settings: Attribute Sets

Settings: Attribute Sets

What are Attribute Sets?

This section of the platform is for creating and managing Attribute Sets which can be set on products within the Catalog module as well as within the Production module. 

Attribute Sets are most commonly used to create sets of Attributes that can be used on multiple products, allowing one central area for this data to be stored, which can be created and updated whenever. 

Attribute Sets are particularly useful if there are plans to use branding - you can set labels to be reused on your items and this is an easier option than setting them one by one.

Viewing Attribute Sets

You can view Attribute Sets in the current list view shown on screen. Here you can browse through your existing library and make any amendments to your existing Attribute Sets.
You can also select multiple Attribute Sets at once and search by name in the "Find by name" search box. 

Adding Attribute Sets

To create Attribute Sets click the '+ Add Set' button.

The New Attribute Set menu will appear. Here you can set some basic details such as;
  1. Name: Add a relevant Name
  2. Owner: Use the dropdown menu to find your Company

Once added, you will be able to access the Attributes sub menu and here you can add your Attributes by selecting the '+ Attribute' button.
Missing on the page, will add once in the system
From each Attribute you can add the basic details such as the Group Name, Value associated to the attribute and an image
There is also an ability to delete by selecting the Trash icon. 
Following the basic options, you can set some additional elements such as the SKU, Spec and Description found within the General menu.
After the General Menu there is the Behaviour dropdown and this offers options to set a Separate Order Line, whether the attribute is Internal and to set it as a Group Default
For more information on Attribute Sets Click Here

Setting Attribute Sets on products

To add Attribute Sets onto your products, you first need to access Product Manager within Catalog and here you need to access one of your products and within the Functionality there is an option for Attribute Sets.
To enable a set you simple have to toggle on the slider button. This then stores all available Attribute Sets in a list which can be cleared with one click of the Clear All button. 
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