Settings: Badword Sets

Settings: Badword Sets

What are Badword Sets?
This section of the platform is for managing and creating Badword Sets which are used to set a blacklist of certain words that cannot be typed by a users. This can range from profanities to certain brand associated words.

Most of our Smatlink app layouts support this function and these are typically useful with instore settings and through the sale of licensed products. 

How to add Badword Sets
You can create your own Badword Sets in Settings by accessing Badword Sets from the menu. To work on your own set you just need to press the "Add Set" option.
Once selected you will be able to name your Badword Set. This can be changed at a later date by updating the name and selecting the Save button.

Once you have set your name you can access the Words menu. Here you can add your words as shown below. 

Using your Badword Sets within Smartlinks
Once you have created a bad words set you can take the "Ref" and apply this to smartlink configurations you create through the smartlink builder on apps which support this function. This will be available under an option called "Bad Word Set"

How to manage Badword Sets
To be able to manage Badword Sets there are multiple options for you to do so. Within the menu you can search by the name of the set and options to download and upload your sets. 
Within the individual sets you can go into them and add more words by selecting the + Word option, or you can amend words or delete them by changing the name or pressing the trash icon.
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