Settings: Job Templates

Settings: Job Templates

Settings : Job Templates

This section of the platform is for creating and managing Job Templates. 

Job Templates allow for Fulfillers to set up workflow automation rules, offering a variety of options that can be defined to efficiently group orders into single Jobs ready for production. Subsequent orders then feed directly into ‘Jobs’ in the Production module.

How to use the Search & Filter Options

By default, any configured Job Templates are listed by name.

Search: The Search Templates field can be used to find specific Job Templates by name or ID:

Filtering: The list can be filtered by Production Centre using the dropdown menu. Once a Production Centre is selected, only associated Job Templates will be displayed.

How to manage your Job Templates

Enabled: Job Templates can be Disabled/Enabled from the list view. Once Disabled, the Job Template settings will be ignored for inbound orders with associated product SKUs.

Actions: There are 3 clickable Actions for each listed Job Template; 

  1. Duplicate: Makes an exact copy of the Job Template, carrying over all settings
  2. Edit: Opens the Job Template settings
  3. Delete: Removes the Job Template and all settings from the system

Selection: Job Templates can be 'Selected' using the individual selection boxes against each row.

Active Selections can be cleared via the Deselect All box.

Product Selection serves as a mechanism to perform bulk actions - all selected Job Templates can be Duplicated simultaneously.

How to Add New Job Templates

Click the '+ Job Template' button to create a new Job Template.
New Job Templates must be given a Name and connected to a designated Production Centre (against which specific artwork generation options can be configured if required).

Basic Settings

Name: Name of the Job Template

Production Centre: Dropdown / Search facility to associate with a Production Centre

Slots: The number of unique order lines that are to be consolidated prior to production (1-500).

Honour Order Required Dispatch Date

Cut Off Time Expression: Allows for 'partially filled' Jobs to be pushed through to Production at a specific cut off time. Requires Unix Cron format

Merged Non Mixed: Allows for multiple 'partially filled' Jobs (that belong to the same Job Template) to be merged into as few 'Full' Jobs as possible, which are then pushed through to Production at at a specific cut off time. Should be used in conjunction with 'Cut Off Time Expression'

SKUs: Add any Product SKU that will use the Job Template when ordered.

Mixed SKUs Per Job: If not selected will lock a filling job to always only contain the same SKU, If ticked will accepted any SKU on its list into any slot.

Machine Types: If any Machine Types are added here this will look for corresponding Machine Type set on the products in Catalog.

Countries: Specify which Countries the Job Template rules apply to (defaults to All).

Shipping Carrier Methods: Associate the Job Template to a specific Carrier/Method

Item Colours: Limit the Job Template to a specific Item Colour

Item Sizes: Limit the Job Template to a specific Item Size

Order Size: Will allow rules to force a batch to only accept single item order or multi item orders or any. This can be used to prioritise one or the other as a mechanism to clear bins.

Order Contentiousness: Allow you to define if you want to enforce that all Items or Units will be on the same job regardless of slots available.

Minimum Item Quantity: The minimum item quantity that will be able to use this template (useful with shortrun workflows to separate one off and shortrun)

Maximum Item Quantity: The maximum item quantity that will be able to use this template (useful with shortrun workflows to separate one off and shortrun)

Restrict Job to a single item: Will close the job when a single item has been added to it

Restrict Job to a single order: Will close the job when a single order has been allocated to it


The Products menu  


Customize Dropships: Once enabled, this allows Job Templates to be associated with orders from selected Dropships only. This provides flexibility to manage Production Jobs based on a per Dropship basis if required. 


The Artwork menu allows Artwork Processing to be toggled On / Off. This changes the Job Template core behaviour from general Consolidation, into a configurable artwork generation template.

Artwork Processing Job Templates are designed to speed up production for Fulfillers by grouping single order items together by taking multiple print jobs or pieces of external artwork and arranging them into a larger print sheet.

Artwork Processing also allows secondary information such as barcodes, addresses, quantity identifiers and other attributes to assist in the production and dispatch processes.

Further Reading

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