Settings: Order Routing Networks

Settings: Order Routing Networks

Order Routing Networks
Traditionally, a product within the platform is owned and supplied by a single fulfiller.  Orders that are received for that product, are routed to the fulfiller that's defined on the product. Order Routing Networks allows for single fulfiller items to be fulfilled by a number of different fulfillers, depending on the rules defined within the network.
Once a network has been created, any number of products, sales channels and fulfillers can be added to the network.  This forms an easy pathway to bring sales channels into the network, giving them access to all of the products offered by all of the fulfillers that are connected to the network.
The idea is for orders to be routed to the fulfiller that's geographically closest to the orders shipping address, providing a sustainable solution for order fulfilment.
The following is a comprehensive article regarding Order Routing Networks, we strong recommend reading this - Click Here

How do I set up a new Network?
To create a new Network simply click the "+ Network" button. 
Once pressed, the menu will display the "Basic" tab window which will request for a Name, Organisation company and various different dropdowns such as Ruleset, Dropship Hook, Cut Off Strategy and Green Routing. 
After the Basic menu is saved there will be various different tabs for Capabilities, Companies and Products.

Details on how to set these menus are detailed in the sections below. 

Adding Capabilities To a Network
To add a new Capability you simply need to click the "Add Capability Type" button. Some examples of Capability types include options like "Product Type", "Decoration Method" and "Finishing Method" which when defined will ensure orders will include options such as DTG or Engraving. 
Once a type has been added with pressing the "+ Value" button the system will create the value which can define the exact decoration or finishing method. 
Once capabilities have been defined on the network, these will become available to products and fulfillers that are added to the network.

Adding Companies to a Network
This tab lists all of the sales channel and fulfiller companies that have been added to the network. To add them to the list users simply need to head to the main Fulfiller and Sales Channel companies and heading to the "Networks" tab.

Within this view, simply find the Network created and enable the slider to on. The Company will now be listed within the Companies tab of the Network and now all orders through the company will be a part of the Network. 
Once enabled a message will pop up confirming that the company is now a part of the Network you've created. 
There are additional steps for Fulfiller companies as these are the ones who will be fulfilling the items. There are advanced menus that will be available on the company to specify and set details such as Properties, Business Hours, Capabilities and Custom Rules. 

Adding Products to a Network
This tab lists all of the products that have been added to the network. Adding products is done by heading to the products you need to set within Product Manager you open up the product and within the "Networks" product tab you simply find the network and enable the slider to ensure they appear within the Networks Products tab. 
Please note products can be added to multiple networks simply by toggling the slider to on for the required networks. 
Once enabled the products allow you to define data on the individual line items such as defining the correct Decoration Method such as DTG which is defined within the Network. This is set here to ensure for those suppliers who print embroidery lines would ignore an item if the DTG method is enabled. 

Order Flow
When the Networks have been set and orders begin to flow into the system, they will automatically come in as "Pending Routing". At this point, the order routing engine applies a series of rules to determine the fulfiller that the order will be routed to. Starting on the first rule set with all of the network fulfillers, the list of fulfillers is reduced as each rule set is applied. 

If Auto-Accept is set to No in the Properties tab of the fulfiller, when an order gets routed to that fulfiller, it will go in to a Pending Acceptance status and appear in the Order Acceptance queue. The fulfiller can accept or reject orders that appear in the Order Acceptance queue using the buttons on the right.

If the order is accepted by the fulfiller, the order status will be updated to Received and the fulfiller will produce the order via their standard workflow.

Default Company Settings
Any "positive" settings on the sales channel take priority over the network
The hierarchy that settings will be read is ->  sales channel > dropship > network

The settings shown in this section are not visually reflected on any companies, they just apply based on the above rules

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