How to set up a Smartlink Apps?
Simply, to set up a smartlink app a user has to select the following.
- The chosen App
- Select their existing or set an app configuration
- Select their existing or set up their language pack (Locale)
- Set any last Basic Details
Each section has been broken down below.
App Selection
To select from the list of apps, simply choose from the options available under the user or use the search function.
As for the selection of the app type simply click the option like ACP shown below.
For more information on what each app does, click here Once the app has been selected, the user will be taken to the following menus. Here they can set the configuration, language pack and additional details.
Each menu shown has been broken down below.
Configuration Selection
The Configuration Selection will offer the following 2 options
- Select from preset config
- Simply copy the reference and use this when creating your smartlinks.
- Create a new config
- Simply click the "Create Config" button.
- A config will be created, here you can set the name and once saved the reference will be filled in.
- With clicking the down arrow, users will be taken to set additional config options such as general, features, styling, product info, rendering options and misc.
The menus shown have been listed and explained below
- General - Here users can set a name and enabled locales.
- Features - Users can enable and disable multiple different options. This list will differ depending on the app chosen but feaures such as enabling Add to cart, Quantity and Social Media upload options.
- Styling - Styling asks for any external CSS that users want to set on their apps.
- Product Info - Users can set product info to appear in the app configuration such as Product Price, Name, Description, Dynamic Pricing, Setup & Total Price and any Help Text.
- Renderer Options - Rendered options such as enabling or disabling Surface Area Borders.
- Misc - Misc will offer optional features such as Print Job Thumbnail Type and Stock Availability check.
For more details on how to set up an app configuration, click here.
Language Pack Selection
The Language Pack Selection will offer the following 2 options. These packs will take standard app menus and offer translations so apps can be used and set in multiple regions.
Select from Preset packs. The menu will list multiple Language Packs.
Create a new Language Pack
Simply click the "Create Locale" Option.
A locale will be created and here users can set the Language from a dropdown, a unique identifier and finally a name.
A menu can then be expanded which will offer Translations, Here you take the "From" list of words and within "To" users can set translations or alternative language for features of the app.
Once created or selected, users must take note of the unique identifier which will be labelled as en_"the identifier users set".
For more details on how to set Language packs, click here.
Additional Details
Once the config and language packs have been created or selected the users can set some additional details, from the list they can set their Company ID and enable or disable if the app needs to be distributed or not.
How to set Smartlink Apps on products