This section of the platform is for creating and managing your Product Designs. Platform users have access to any Product Designs that they create / own.
What is a Product Design?
A Product Design is a re-usable interactive 'design' comprising of images and/or text. Any created designs are automatically added to Settings: Product Designs, where they can be accessed and edited.
The 're-usable' state means that designs can be used as content in Smartlinks, and / or used to create Virtual Products.
How to change View Mode
By default, Product Designs are listed by name and sorted to show newest first.
2 View Modes are available;
- List View (default): A scrollable list with a thumbnail and columns of associated information.
Orientation: Portrait / Landscape / Square
Name: Name of the Design
Owner: Creator User and owner of the Design
- Grid View: A tiled grid, with large thumbnails and minimal information.
How to Search & Filter
By default, Product Designs appear in an unfiltered list.
Search: The Search field can be used to find specific design name or keyword:
Filtering: Designs can be filtered by Aspect Ratio, Square / Landscape / Portrait.
Managing Product Designs
Exports & Imports: Export CSV data for your Product Designs - this obeys any active search / filter results. This allows changes to be made to Name, Keywords and Categories information within a spreadsheet, which can then be imported to update all associated Product Designs in bulk.
Each row/tile can be clicked to open individual Product Design settings where actual design/functionality adjustments can also be made.
Interactive: View / make changes to the design via an Interactive tool
Details: Edit the Name of your design and add Keywords (comma separated) for improved search-ability in Product Designs and any associated front end solutions.
Categories: Shows the current Design location, and allows it to be added to other Categories.
Pricing: Allows you to add tier group pricing against your design.
How to Add New Designs
There are 2 options available;
PSD: Create a design in Photoshop, and upload the PSD file
+ Create: Click to create a new design using an interactive design tool
Note: The Virtual Product Creation wizard is connected to Product Designs. Any designs that are newly created as part of that process will also be added to Settings: Product Designs. Similarly, any created Product Designs become available for selection within the wizard as existing content.