Shipper Integration | Royal Mail Shipping API v2

Shipper Integration | Royal Mail Shipping API v2

Royal Mail Shipping API v2 Integration Help

We advise confirming whether or not the shipping API V2 or V3 needs to be used here before enabling either of these shipper integrations. 

For customers who do not already have a Royal Mail Shipping API v2 account, they can be contacted here - Royal Mail Shipping API v2 Business Enquiries

Our Platform integrates seamlessly with Royal Mail Shipping API v2 accounts to allow the booking in of shipments, the printing of labels and the passing of tracking references.

If customers have a Royal Mail Shipping API v2 account all they need to do is add their Username, Password, Application ID, Client ID and Client Secret taken from their account and ensure that the "Is Enabled" tickbox is checked. 

You can also set certain options such as the following listed below.
  1. Service Strategy dropdown - Users can select from certain options, please note these are exclusive to some customers of Kornit X and this option will only appear if the company setting this has their own purpose built service strategy within the system. 
  2. Customs Pricing Strategy dropdown - Users can select from the options of "Order" (Default option) or "Product" for the Customs Pricing Strategy set within this integration. 
  3. Sliders to include Contact Telephone and/or Contact Email on Printed Labels - Users can choose to enable or disable these options and they will both result in whether or not all created labels will include contact telelphone numbers or email addresses. 
For more information on how this Shipper Integration can work best for dropships, please click here.  Please note, this document has been created by Royal Mail themselves.

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